According to Dior “bows – big, small, enormous – are the most natural ornament of a dress” and a perfect way “to close a decolette, trim a hat of fasten a belt”, but “must be used with discretion and placed with care.”
Bows are the SS 2016 Fashion statement.
DIY / Here I want to share with you how easily you can update your shirts, dresses – even shoes or handbags. Just pop to your local shop and find a ribbon in your favourite colour from your palette, take a length of ribbon and tie it around the collar of your dress or shirt. Take into account the length of your neck. For shorter necks choose a slimmer ribbon and create a more open look, but if you have a long neck this is your season – go for it.
Coquettish, delicate, sweet, playful, seductive or innocent ribbons swirling into beautiful bows are definitely a finishing touch to think of come spring.
Worn around the neck like an outsize bow tie, it can be dapper.
Think sandals, shoes, boots even umbrellas!
Find more inspiration on my board on Pinterest