Swimsuit Style

766a98191bd3f359432dd8418847d02b-e1497270134109We spend the whole year looking forward to our Summer holiday; after the long, dark days of Winter there’s no better feeling than the sun on your back and sand under your toes. It’s only natural that you want to look your best on the beach but how many of us give much thought to our swimwear?

In actual fact, just as there are certain clothing styles that suit different shapes better, so there are different swimsuit styles which will flatter and fit some better than others. Don’t forget that whether you go for a 1 or 2-piece, it should be in a fab colour(s) from your palette to suit your skin tone )of which there will be plenty on display!

Neat Hourglass (defined bust and waist, neat bottom and hips).

Spring Blazers To Update Your Look

Spring is in full swing and Summer is not far off, but unpredictable temperatures mean that when it comes to Britain in the Summertime, it always pays to be prepared.


Whilst the sun has greeted us on several occasions already this season, it still isn’t quite warm enough to venture out without a coat (or an umbrella for that matter!) There are several chic outerwear options to consider to keep you warm and stylish whilst we wait for the temperatures to really heat up…

Iconic Style Tips

18da3a10f7c4d88c4965ed6145373689-e1489412441860We’ve been asking you what has been the best style advice your Mum has given you over the years.

From ‘less is more’ through to don’t show your underwear’ we’ve loved the pearls of wisdom you’ve been sharing and it certainly goes to show that Mum really does know best.

Today we look at style lessons from iconic women that we can all apply today.

“If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes you can get away with anything.” 

– Iris Apfel

Get the fundamentals right (in this case hair and shoes in Iris Apfel’s opinion) and the rest will flow. We all know how awful we feel if we’re having a bad hair day or if our shoes are scuffed and worn. Take care with the basics and you will look inevitably look put-together and feel much more confident as a result.